Digital Megaphone Social Media Masters Summit

Social Media Masters Summit - May 15, 2014Metrist Partners’ Avery Cohen will present at the 6th Annual Digital Megaphone Social Media Masters Summit on May 15, 2014.

The Social Media Masters Summit was created by and is run by Digital Megaphone, one of the largest and well respected social media events businesses in Chicago.  As one of the premier social media events in Chicago, the Summit focus on cutting edge social media strategies from top brand marketers. It’s a power packed day of best practice Social Media case studies that go beyond typical tactics, paving the way for a new way of thinking.

Digital Megaphone Founder and VP of Digital Marketing, Hope Bertram is an Emmy nominated marketer with a passion for digital marketing and education.  With over 15 years of marketing on both the brand and agency of the business she has her eye on the pulse of the latest industry topics.

For the sixth year in a row, we are providing a social media event that is a creative and educational platform to connect and share innovative social media practices. All speakers are hand picked for the summit to make sure the content is always engaging and informative.

Avery’s session will be Traffic Driving Content Strategy: Social Media, email Marketing and SEO – INTERACTIVE SESSION

The amount of web content created by brands, PR firms, social media marketers and search optimizers is increasing at an exponential rate. The number of marketers who are writing for the web is exploding. So each article, blog post and email must stand out or get lost in the flood of information. This means writing with search engines, social media and email marketing in mind.  Learn about the process of creating content that connects through search, social and email.

The session will be highly interactive and will establish a roadmap for the day.

Date(s) - 15/05/2014
9:00 am - 5:30 pm


Posted in Upcoming Events.